Through our broad and engaging Computing curriculum and use of ICT across school, we ensure that children receive an awareness, and understanding of the ever-changing digital world that surrounds them. It is vital that our pupil become digitally literate individuals when they leave primary school.
The core of our teaching is to equip our pupils with the knowledge of instructing computers in variety of ways through a coherent and comprehensive scheme. Our scheme has 4 core strands; computing systems and networks, creating media, programming and data and information. These strands are revisited regularly (at least once in each year group) so pupils revisit each strand and consolidate as well as build on prior learning within that strand. This will enable pupils to know, remember, understand more in computing.
We acknowledge that physical computing is an essential role in modern pedagogy as it is a tool to engage pupils and develop their understanding in a creative manner. We provide a diverse range of hardware that interests a range of pupils and provides tangible and challenging tasks.
A major part of our teaching will be the instruction of computer science in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through
programming. ICT is used across the curriculum when it adds a further dimension to the pupils’ learning; we encourage children to develop and present their ideas using a range of digital platforms. Developing transferrable skills is considered to be of particular importance.
Our e-safety curriculum ensures that every child recognises what information is personal to them and understands who and when it is safe to share it. Children know how to keep themselves safe when using latest in technology both in and out of school and where to seek help if they are worried about online safety.
We aim to inspire and motivate pupils through the use of ‘cutting edge technologies’ creating opportunities for awe and wonder through experience days.
We aim to inspire and enthuse our pupils via the use of ‘cutting edge technologies’ creating opportunities for awe and wonder through the curriculum and experience days. Our objective is to provide pupils with a variety of skills for them to be ambitious and creative with technology as well as safe.
Computing is taught across the school using the Raspberry Pi scheme which is regularly updated based on current research. National curriculum content is covered with lessons planned to enable all pupils to access the learning through collaboration and scaffolding. Units are structured for each year group and based on a clear progression framework. Four key components are covered: computing systems and networks, creating media, programming and data and information.
By the end of Year 6 pupils will have had the opportunity to be creative with: Data loggers, Crumbles, Sparkles, Micro-bit, Tinkercad, Scratch, Lego we-do as well as several other programmes. Pupils use both laptops and I-Pads to access software and apps to support their learning in Computing and other subjects. Pupils are able to develop skills to use Microsoft products and email through the wider curriculum.
Future plans include the use of VR, Drones, Robots and 3-d printers.
Training is being delivered to ensure staff knowledge and skills are in place to teach this curriculum.
This scheme is a recent implementation across the school and we are therefore waiting until the end of the summer term to evaluate its' impact.