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Middlemarch Junior School

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School Day/Attendance

Attend Today

Achieve Tomorrow

Arriving at school


Our school gates are open for children to enter between 8.30 and 8.40. All children make their way quickly to class for registration and to make dinner choices for the day if required. Our school day starts at 8:40.
Parents and carers are respectfully requested to park away from school, or to walk. If using the car is unavoidable, please ‘drop off and go’ using the one-way system at the front of school to keep traffic flowing smoothly. Should you have any messages for class teachers, please share them via Class-Dojo.
It is our policy that parking in the school grounds is strictly for staff only. Parents are not permitted to use the school car park during the school day for drop off or collection however may park when collecting children from after school clubs.


Leaving School at 3.10pm


Children can leave through either of the 2 gates however we ask that you arrange to meet your child avoiding the need to cross the carpark without an adult. Part of our responsibility is to ensure that children leaving school do so safely and with a recognisable adult. Should arrangements for collection change please contact the school office who will be able to inform staff. We ask that parents wait a short distance from the collection gate, do not bring dogs on to site and be mindful of using appropriate language. This will allow teachers to bring children to the gate and have a clear view of waiting parents. Please wait for your child’s class teacher to send your child to you, rather than move toward the remainder of the class, which makes it difficult for us to manage children and identify waiting parents. If your child is in year 6 they can, with your agreement, walk home alone. 

School Attendance

Our Attendance Policy explains the attendance expectations we have of all pupils. Our school attendance target is for every pupil to have an attendance figure of 96% and above. With this in mind we monitor attendance carefully and offer a range of support when required.



This process is undertaken electronically. The procedure for daily school registration is outlined below. The register is a legal document and may be used as evidence in a Court of Law.

Absences are coded by the Office Manager with the agreement of the Headteacher and Deputy Head.

We recommend that all parents read Warwickshire’s guidance for parents regarding school attendance found here.
The document explains the importance of consistently good attendance and how good attendance will benefit your child's learning and social development. It also explains the effects of poor attendance and the circumstances for which authorised absence may be granted.


All absences must be reported to the school office on each day of your child’s absence. There are various ways to do this:

Via the Study Bugs App
Phoning the office on 02476 328009
Texting on: 07537 455344
Class DOJO must not be used to report pupil absence. 


We regularly remind our school community that term-time absences other than those for illness are not authorised by school and of the procedures to be followed to request Leave of Absence. It is only the Headteacher who can authorise such absences.


Will I be contacted if my child is absent?

The school operates a first day response to absences and will text you if we have not heard from you; this is because we believe it is our responsibility to ensure your child's safety as well as to encourage their regular school attendance. It is parental responsibility to contact school on each day of absence to provide a specific reason for a child’s absence.


How to help your child arrive at school on time.

Establish a good morning routine. Go to bed at a reasonable time.
Organise dental and medical appointments out of school time.
Always inform school if your child is absent.
Take family holidays outside of term time.
Talk to your child about their school day.
