As you walk into our hall, the location of Middlemarch School and surrounding counties is an eye catching focal point. Using school visits as key locations pinpointed, children are able to appreciate their position in Warwickshire and beyond.
In lessons, maps and atlases continue to support children's appreciation of their locality beginning with a study of the Nuneaton area in year 3 and further afield as they move through the school. Technology assists our understanding of geographical location in the wider world - children can visit continents, countries, mountain ranges and landmarks through Google Earth providing and understanding of distance and location. Photographs, videos and blogs allow appreciation of lifestyle, climate and biomes around our world.
Collecting community data for the national census and presenting it in different ways including bar charts and graphs is just one of the ways that we develop our skills as geographers and mathematicians whilst allowing opportunities to explore our role as active citizens.
In literacy our reading of different genres takes children beyond the classroom to explore new and contrasting places such as the plains of Africa (Butterfly Lion). Through literature children are look through windows to the lives of others such as in Year 5 comparing life with others as pupils follow brother and sister, Naledi and Tiro, in Journey to jo'burg.
Our understanding of compass points and direction, alongside development of our map reading skills is enjoyed in all year groups as children participate in orienteering around the school grounds. Once the orienteering skills are practised, this is used throughout the curriculum making learning fun and the great outdoors enjoyed promoting pupil well-being and exercise.