Individual children self-isolating
Children who are at home waiting for an available Covid test or waiting for the results of a test,
will be able to access the Middlemarch School 5 day home learning timetable.
This can be viewed on the school website following the path:
Children – Home learning – Your year Group – 5 day timetable.
The first day of absence should be classed as day 1 and the timetable followed,
in order, through to day 5.
Morning activities should be fully covered
and one daily afternoon activity chosen from those listed.
Lessons will be taught through Oak National Academy where links to video lessons are given.
Work should then be completed in their home learning book
and a photo/evidence uploaded to their individual ClassDojo portfolio.
Staff will give regular feedback and award Dojo points, just as if the child was in class.
Please try to get into a routine and don’t forget to plan short breaks. Written work should be completed in a book if possible and a photo/evidence uploaded to your ClassDojo Year 5W or 5T portfolio.
We will mark your work and give you feedback for your next step. We will award Dojo points, just as if you were in class, for effort and achievement!
| DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 |
ENGLISH | Understand features of a persuasive letter | To generate points to use in a letter | Plan a persuasive letter | Use formal conjunctions | Write a letter |
SPELLING (Using the correct spellings for the week on Dojo) | Find definitions for each spelling. | Write 5 sentences using spellings from the list. Remember to make your sentences as interesting as possible. | Use the five remaining spellings in sentences. | Write out the spellings, underlining the vowels. | Create a wordsearch. |
MATHS | |||||
5 minutes practice every day on Mathletics or Times Table Rockstars
| ||||
READING | 30 minutes (or more!) of reading everyday | ||||
| Relax, listen to some music.
Check your work and ensure you have uploaded it to your class portfolio.