Autumn - The Local Area
Autumn term has bought lots of change for year 3. We have studied a book called 'Just a Second' for our Take One Book week. We have written a non-chronological report all about tigers, and created a superb multimedia piece of art.
We will be investigating our local area in our topic 'Where Am I?'. This includes local author, Alex T. Smith, who has written the series of books called Claude. We will be learning about the history and geography of Nuneaton and wider local area. There will be an exciting school trip (keep your eyes peeled for letters!) where we will get to explore a certain factory that makes delicious goods...
Spring - The Stone Age
During Spring Term, we will study the Stone Age through our topic, 'What?! No Pants?'. This will begin our timeline of historical exploration at Middlemarch, giving us a strong foundation in how humans evolved into what we are today.
In English, our books will include 'Stone Age Boy' and 'Ug' in addition to non-fiction texts. The Stone Age is always a very popular subject amongst year 3, as they love to draw comparisons from life then to life now!
Summer - The Romans
During Summer, our topic is 'The Romans: How Will We Escape?'. We look at the history of the Romans, the expansion of the empire and their downfall. We look at the more gruesome aspects of Roman life; the army, becoming a gladiator, the state of sanitation amongst other things. We will be inviting a visitor this term, as a study of a Roman soldier's life.
The books we will read are Escape from Pompeii and Volcano, exploring the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD and it's devastating effects on the surrounding villages. As geographers, we will investigate how and why volcanic eruptions occur, and how experts in the field are trying to help us prepare for them.