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Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital at Middlemarch School

Preparing pupils with knowledge and cultural experiences to succeed in life. 

Opportunities for all
At Middlemarch School opportunities within and beyond the classroom extend to all children regardless of their background. 
Providing cultural experiences, and background knowledge to  develop appreciation and understanding of these, are woven through the curriculum in all year groups.  
Furthermore, staff understand that students bring their own cultural capital to lessons and that we can learn from them.

Whilst it is difficult to pinpoint a decisive definition of Cultural Capital,here at Middlemarch we incorporate a wide range of opportunities through our curriculum 
and school events.Clear intent statements and  implementation  ensure that cultural capital is being considered and included. 

The value and impact  of a curriculum packed with exciting opportunities for all can be heard through our pupil voice, witnessed in the children's smiles and seen in the excellent work that pupils are so proud of.

Broadening our experiences

  • School trips and residential experiences both at school and further afield
  • The opportunity to learn a musical instrument
  • Exposure to a wide range of literature
  • Exposure to different types of music and art
  • Develop an understanding of the world by introducing children to experiences and people outside of their family and community
  • Forest school experiences and outdoor learning
  • Access to a range of ICT equipment       