Introducing Mrs Georgina Mawdsley - Headteacher
Middlemarch School is an inclusive Junior school for pupils in years 3 - 6, aged 7 - 11 years. It is close to Nuneaton town centre, with two classes per year group ( all except Year 4 which is growing and has available spaces).
We welcome children from diverse backgrounds many of whom have English as an additional language. We pride ourselves on how well new children integrate within our friendly school.
Our core values of Ready, Respectful, Safe are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be confident, happy citizens! Parents and pupils tell us that children are nurtured and feel safe in school.
Our motto, ‘As a family we achieve’ describes everyday life here at Middlemarch school. From bagels in the morning, through our creative and exciting lessons to our after school clubs.
We have an enhanced special provision - called The Bridge. It is for children with an Education Health Care Plan ( EHCP) whose primary need is communication and interaction. For more details on The Bridge please see our Bridge page.
Our highly experienced staff continuously go the extra mile to ensure that all pupils achieve their very best, academically, socially and emotionally. Our staff are longstanding members of the school community, focused on the needs of our pupils. Find out more about their roles and responsibilities in our who's who page. Their dedication and continuous training ensures that Middlemarch has maintained a good Ofsted rating since 2001.
Our school day starts at 8:40 and finishes at 3:10 giving a total of 32.5 hours each week.
Our Vision
At Middlemarch School we give every child the chance in life they deserve, no matter what their starting point. Together we ensure that children are more than just educated and as a school we are a place where we all feel safe and supported. We develop good role models who inspire through a love of learning and are motivated to make a positive impact on each other’s lives. We continually strive to develop resilience and determination to overcome and remove barriers to success. All children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become independent and life-long learners.
The social, emotional and mental health needs of all are at the core of our school with good emotional well-being, learning is possible.
Middlemarch School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all children, staff and volunteers to share this commitment.