Music is an important part of school life at Middlemarch. All children learn the Young Voices songs in the Autumn term whether they choose to attend the concert in January or not. All children learn the Christmas production songs and can take part in the performances with year 6 taking on the main acting roles.
Music has cross curricular links where possible such as completing the Djembe unit in Spring of y5 to link in with the Geography topic of Africa. We invite professional musicians in where possible also to enhance the children's learning such as 'Drummers United'. The children take part in a drumming workshop and then perform to the rest of the school in an assembly at the end of the day.
The Bringing Us Together unit in Spring 2 for year 3 has cross-curricular links to PSHE as this covers the topic of friendships.
We are developing our computing/technology links by using Garage Band for improvisation and composition.
We encourage songs to be used to aid retention of facts from other subjects such as times tables for Maths.
Children who have instrumental music lessons are invited to perform in the annual Summer concert.